Genius Discovery Pouch 4-PK
Genius Discovery Pouch 4-PK
GENIUS for Brainpower Fast acting, swallowable pills. Genius is the first cannabis edible developed specifically to enhance brain power. It uses a single strain of cannabis sativa known to aid in mental sharpness, plus six additional plant medicines for cognitive focus. Unlike many attentional formulas, Genius will not make you agitated, “speedy,” or jittery. All 1906 Drops are calorie-free, gluten-free, and vegan. Drops are made for swallowing; PLEASE DO NOT CHEW! Every 1906 product activates within 20 minutes using a patented technology that makes them the fastest-acting edibles in the world. 2.5mg/2.5mg CBD per Drop 4 Drops per unit = 10mg THC/10mg CBD per unit
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