Our Mission: artistry noun: artistic quality of effect or workmanship To achieve excellence, one must consider themselves an artist in their craft. Passion, pride, dedication, focus, humility and sacrifice is necessary to achieve the highest level of workmanship in ones craft. At EUREKA, we are passionate about our oil; from the raw ingredients that create it, the process of extracting the oil, cannabinoids and terpenes to blending and packaging every single unit. We pride ourselves in the quality, purity and workmanship that goes into every single product that we create. EUREKAis #theartistryofoil History: Established in 2011, California-based EUREKA Vapor set out to provide the cleanest, safest, 100% natural oil cartridges in the industry. overcoming the odds to be a pioneer in the vapor market long before it gained the popularity it has today.